Where Is My Back Pain Coming From?

Yowch! So, you’ve woken up with bad back pain, but you can’t put your finger on what could have caused it? Or, maybe you’ve been living with a constant ache in your lower back and can’t seem to shake it. 

Back pains can make life difficult. No matter what you do, it can seem like that persistent sore feeling in your back will never go away. Luckily that’s not the case! 

If you’re suffering from sudden or ongoing back pain, the team of professional physical therapists at BodyViva are sure to have a solution for you. Get a better idea of where your back pain is coming from and book an appointment with us to make it a thing of the past.

Muscular Strain 

The most frequent cause of lesser back pain is muscular strains, tension or injury. Muscular pain is often described as a throbbing ache or a tight tension that often ripples out from the affected area. The most common causes of back pain are: 

  • Muscle or ligament strains 
  • High tension 
  • Muscle spasms
  • Trauma injuries (caused by falls, twists or impact, etc.)

Several activities can prompt these reactions. Often they are caused by improper posture, lifting techniques or jarring and abrupt movements.

Spine-Related Problems 

When something is off in your spine or surrounding bones (hip, ribs, etc.), it often results in back pain. Spinal injury pain is described as a sharp, electric shock-like feeling or an intense burning that can shoot down into the legs or up into the neck. Often this pain is because of nerve damage or irritation in your spine. When experiencing this kind of pain, it is highly suggested that you seek a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or other health professional doctor right away. 

If you are showing any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from the following:

Other Health Conditions

In some circumstances, arthritis can lead to a condition called stenosis, where the space around the spinal cord narrows. Osteoporosis may increase your risk of fractures in the spine and surrounding areas. Kidney stones and other kidney issues may also cause constant dull aching deep in your right or left flank. This pain can be amplified by light impact.

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Are You At A Higher Risk? 

Back pain occurs across all age groups; however, some variables put people at a higher risk. 

Age: Your bones and muscles become weaker with age. Older people are more likely to develop pain in the back. 

Occupation: Unlike some other injuries, back pain is prevalent across high and low physical activity professions. Jobs that require a lot of lifting and moving are more likely to cause muscle strains and overextensions in the back area. Desk/sitting jobs often cause poor posture, while slouched sitting may put strain on the disks in your back. These discs are fluid-filled cushions that protect your vertebrae from irritating each other.

Exercise Level: Low amounts of exercise may make your muscles weak and unused. When a muscle group is untrained, your body often overcompensates for it elsewhere. For example, if you sit all day, your back muscles become tight while your abdominal muscles loosen. The result is often stress in the lower back area. On the opposite end, excessive exercise without recovery can promote back pain. 

Psychological conditions: People who have mental disorders such as depression and anxiety seem to be at a higher risk of back pain. 

Smoking: Smoking decreases blood flow to the spine, which impedes healing and development. It can also increase the chances of osteoporosis. Regular coughing caused by smoking can lead to herniated disks and other jarring pain.

Are you experiencing back pain? Contact BodyViva today, to find out we can help you live a pain-free life.