Imagine waking up every morning without feeling sore or stiff. Imagine being able to climb a mountain, without stopping to rest your knees every ten minutes. Or give your kids a piggyback whenever they ask, without worrying you’ll do further damage.
We can help you achieve these things

Our team of caring health professionals take the time to listen to your concerns and work out where your pain or restriction is coming from. They then use their expert knowledge to determine which treatment options will give you the best results.
Whether you want to reduce or eliminate pain, remove restriction and achieve greater mobility, or achieve fitness and sporting goals – we can help.

Unlike other clinics, we don’t just diagnose you with A, B or C problem and present you with a stock standard solution. Being a multidisciplinary clinic means we have a wide variety of knowledge and expertise in-house. Whether you need physio, chiro, acupuncture, podiatry or massage therapy services, we can help. When you book an appointment with us, we will thoroughly assess the pain or restriction you’re feeling, determine what kind of therapy you need, and customise a treatment plan to suit.

Time and time again, we see clients who have been given the wrong advice or handed a “quick fix” option. While these might seem enticing to those wanting to get back to health faster, they are not a sustainable or long-term solution. Oftentimes, you will need to repeat these quick fixes over and over, which ends up costing more in the long run.
At BodyViva, we provide our clients with evidence-based treatment plans that work towards optimising your health and wellbeing for life.